Thursday 21 March 2013

Brent Knoll Tadpoles

01278 769126
078130 78130                                                                                22.3.2013

Dear parents

Firstly we would like to wish you all a good Easter and an enjoyable break with your children
Hopefully by the time we return the render on the front of the house will be completed and the mess will be reduced to a more manageable level.

On our return (15th April) we will begin more focused “school work” with those children moving to school, as well as more visits to school to use facilities such as toilets, water fountain, play equipment and the field. Children will have the opportunity to have snack in the field with the school children (weather permitting)
As soon as families have their places confirmed we will be spending time in the school setting and having visits from the reception class teacher, who will get to see the children in their own environment.

All transition visits such as story time and play afternoons are supported by Tadpoles and we encourage children to join us for the walk to school and then meet parents afterwards if not a usual day. This approach has been very successful in previous years and the children feel comfortable going into class with their peers.

As you will see from the themes we are looking at the aspects of being human during the first half term.

To assist us to complete the children’s records, assist the reception class teacher and to give the children a visual prompt as to the makeup of their own families I would ask that you might complete a family tree for (and with) your child. Please include the nicknames/ familiar names that your child uses as when talking about relatives. Grandparents titles, particularly, leads to lots of confusion. (For example my own children call their grandfather Grumps; he is!)
An example is enclosed, but feel free to design your own. Photos, if possible, are a huge help, but we understand this may not be achievable. If there are any members you wish to omit, please do so.

In the second half of the term we will be focusing on specific areas of learning and working to embed learning which occurs on a daily basis for all children. Those older or more able will be doing extended work around the themes and hopefully become familiar with the types of teaching schemes they will encounter at school. In line with the “Jolly Phonics”  scheme of reading; focus on individual sounds will be explored in greater detail to our usual use of these sounds.

15th   Return to Tadpoles
6th    Bank Holiday
24th  Half term
3rd    Return to Tadpoles
17th   Photographer at Tadpoles
19th   End of year & Leavers party TBA All invited, details to follow.
23rd Teddy Bears Picnic and sports morning
23rd Summer term ends
3rd    Autumn term begins

First half term;     Looking after me
W/c 15th     Bodies
W/c 22nd    Diet
W/c 29th    Exercise
W/c 7th      Senses
W/c 13th     Safety
W/c 20th    Forces and the environment

Second half term
W/c 3rd      Red, Triangle, Letters; s,a,t,i,p,n
W/c 19th     Orange, Circle, Letters; c,k,e,h,r,m,d.
W/c 17th     Yellow, Rectangle, Letters; g,o,u,l,f,b.
W/c 24th    Green, Square, Letters; ai,j,oa,ie,ee,or.
W/c 1st       Blue, Cylinder, Letters; z,w,ng,v,oo.
W/c 8th      Indigo, Sphere, Letters; y,x,ch,sh,th.
W/c 15th     Violet, Cube, Letters; qu,ou,oi,ue,er,ar.

Can I end with a request for all children to bring suitable clothing, coats and footwear for the weather and names in items save valuable time and items from being lost?

Please ensure all outstanding invoices are cleared by Thursday 28th at the latest and all alterations or adjustments to hours are confirmed

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